Breakfast – the most important meal of the day?
yfood 18.02.2021

Breakfast – the most important meal of the day?

We've all heard it: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" But is it really?

Well, the science on breakfast is a little mixed. Some say it's essential, while others think the hype was started by a famous cereal brand (we're looking at you, Cornflakes).

Here's the deal: breakfast works differently for everyone. Some people need it to kickstart their day, while others can't even think about food until a couple of hours in. It depends on factors like when you had your last meal, how active you are, and what time you wake up.

To breakfast or not to breakfast?

At the end of the day, it's about what feels right for you. If you wake up hungry, go for it. But if you're not feeling it yet, that's okay too. The important thing is not to start your day starving—or worse, forcing down food you don't actually want.

What should breakfast look like? If you do choose to eat breakfast, the goal is to fuel up with a good balance of macronutrients—aka carbs, proteins, and fats. Think classic breakfast foods like muesli, fruit, eggs, and dairy products. These help replenish your energy and get you going for the day.

On the go? No problem.

If you're in a rush and don't have time for a sit-down breakfast, yfood has you covered. Whether you grab a drink, a bar, or portion out some powder to mix later, you'll stay fueled and avoid that mid-morning crash. And if you've got a sweet tooth, try pairing our Dark Brownie or Choco Crunch bars with your coffee for the perfect chocolate fix that also fills you up.

So, whether you're a breakfast lover or you're on the go, yfood makes sure you don't miss out on the most important part: staying fueled and feeling good all day long.

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